Thursday, January 19, 2012


Welcome to the Southwest HSP Group blog!

We are an online support and social group for the Highly Sensitive Person in the southwestern US States, loosely defined as Arizona, Nevada, New Mexico and Utah.

Our small group has been online since September 2003. We are-- at least for the time being-- purely an online group. We use YahooGroups to host our discussion board/email list.

The group is moderated and membership-by-approval. We do this to maintain an "HSP safe" environment, in a world that's often critical of sensitive people.

The purpose of this blog is two-fold:

One, we use it as a "touch point" on the web, to help HSPs in our region find us and hopefully become members.

Two, we use it as a "newsreel" to share both group updates, and news of events and happenings in the greater HSP "community."

We hope you'll visit our group page and become a member!